Official Name:
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Geography & Demography:
Capital: Kabul.
Area: 251.773 sq. mi.
Population: About 42,000,000 (year 2022)
Literacy: 28%
Life expectancy: 45
Currency: Afghani
GDP per capita: $800
Industrial: Small scale production of textiles, soap, furniture, shoes.
Agricultural: Opium, wheat, fruits, nuts, wool.
Exports: Opium, fruits, nuts, handwoven carpets, wool, and cotton.
Afghanistan in a nutshell:
Afghanistan is a land locked country of ethnic minorities.
It is located in Central Asia hence called the ‘Heart of Asia.
There are mainly 7 ethnic groups in Afghanistan.
Pashtuns (Pathans or Pakhtuns) are the most populated group with 42%. They inhabit the desert dominated southern plateaus.
The second majority group is Tajiks (27%). They are Persian-speaking Iranians.
Hazaras and Uzbeks each share with 9% population of the country.
Tajiks and Uzbeks live in the northern plains and valleys.
The Hazaras live in the central highlands.
The other major ethnic groups are:
Aimaqs – 4%
Turkmen – 3%
Baloch – 2%
Others – 4%
Afghanistan has been suffering from decades of (internal) war. It referred to as a hotspot of international military action. Now the economy is getting stabilized in the sectors of industrial and agricultural.