Great things are done by a series small things brought together
Part – 03

1. The average person will walk about 115,000 miles (185,075 km) during a lifetime; that accounts for more than four jaunts around the equator on foot.
The equatorial circumference of our earth is about 24,850 miles (40,000 km).

It is said that the average walking speed of a person around 20-30 years age can be about 3 miles per hour (4.4 km/h). We walk per second about 1.4 meters.
2. The average person urinates about 4 to 8 times a day.
But if someone urinates more or less than this is not out of the ordinary.

It’s quite common to urinate more than 8 times a day if a person drinks more water or liquid food (caffeine).
Some medications (diuretic medication) as such taken by BP patients can cause more urination than the normal said above. Diabetic patients also urinate more.
3. About 25% of the total volume of blood in the body is pumped through the kidneys every minute.
It amounts roughly 1.2 to 1.3 liters per minute in an average adult man weighing 70 kg. This means kidneys on an average filter about 189 liters of fluid in an adult every day.

Kidneys (two in our body) remove wastes and extra fluid from our body.
They help us to maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals (sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium) in our body.
4. We breathe over 5,000 times a day, taking in enough air throughout a lifetime to fill 10 million balloons.
This means an average healthy person breaths 12 to 16 times per minute.

The respiratory rate is controlled by our brain called respiratory centre. This respiratory centre is located in the medulla oblongata pons, the lower brainstem.
Respiration rates may increase when we suffer from fever, illness, or other medical conditions.
Respiratory frequency is higher in infants. It returns to normal as the baby grows.
5. The right lung is slightly larger than the left.
This is because the left lung gives room for our heart. Lungs and heart are protectively facilitated in our rib cage.
The average weight of the lungs in the normal adult remains 1000 grams (1 kg).

The average volume of a lung at birth is 250 ml and 6000 ml in an adult.
The height of the lung in a normal adult ranges from 24 to 27 cm (9.5 inch to 10.6 inch).
6. The body contains roughly 630-650 skeletal muscles. After age 50, people lose about 10 percent of their muscle fibers per decade.
Skeletal muscles are simply known as muscles. The exact number of muscles is difficult define.

They are connected to bones. They facilitate us to perform a wide range of movements and functions.
These muscles belong to voluntary category that means we can control these muscles according to our will.
These muscles are identically constituted on both parts of our body.
7. About 6.8 million people seek medical attention each year for injuries involving the skeletal system.
Common injuries of the skeletal system are dislocation, fractures, bruises, etc.

The most frequently broken bones in our body are collar bones, ankle, forearm, hip, and so on.
Dislocation joints or broken bones require immediate medical help.
8. Babies in the womb dream, which contributes to brain development.
In 1992, Japanese scientists observed a biological process in the fetus similar to the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) that occurs when we dream.
REM sleep is a stage in humans dream during sleeping.

Japanese scientists, for the first time, detected the REM movement between 28 and 30 weeks of gestation. They also found that the period of REM sleep increased as the pregnancy increased.
Scientists say that REM sleep is good for memory consolidation, which helps to restore the brain.
9. Vaccinations against smallpox have been in use since the time of the ancient Chinese civilizations.
Smallpox is a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever, weakness and skin eruption (pustules).
According to legend, a Chinese monk in the 11th century introduced a method called variolation to immunize against smallpox. He used to treat by blowing a substance up the nose of patients to cure the disease.

Variolation (no longer in use) was the process of treating a smallpox patient by injecting a material taken from a vesicle of another patient suffering from small pox.
This virus is now eradicated. By 1980, naturally occurring small pox was destroyed worldwide.
10. The average weight of an adult human brain is between 2.8 and 3.1 pounds (1,300 and 1,400 grams.
Brain of Humans varies in size and weight in adults. Males generally tend to have larger brains than females.

The weight of a newborn baby’s brain can be around 350 to 400 grams (about 3/4th of a pound).
The average length of an adult brain is around 15 cm (5.9 inches).
Brain’s left side controls the right side of our body and similarly the right side controls the left side.
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